Berndt Wischnewski | Richard-Wagner-Str. 49 | 10585 Berlin | |
Tel.: 030 - 3429075 | FAX : 030 34704037 | email: |
Calculation of thermodynamic state variables of air
lower limit for calculation: -150 C, 1 bar upper limit: 1000 C, 1000 bar
Thermodynamic constants of air:
nitrogen 78 %, und oxigen 21 %, argon 0.9 %, carbon dioxide 0.04 %
molar mass28.96 [ kg / kmol ] gasconstant R287.22 [ J / (kg K) ] isentropic exponent1.402 critical state variables: pcrit37.66 [ bar ] Tcrit132.52 or -140.63 [ K or C] densitycrit313 [ kg / m3 ] tripelpoint temperature60 or -213.15 [ K or C]
Air at normconditions, tnorm= 0oC, pnorm= 1013,25 mbar:
density1.292 [ kg / m3 ] isobar heat capacity cp1.005 [ kJ / (kg K) ] isochor heat capacity cv0.718 [ kJ / (kg K) ] speed of sound331.5 [ m / s ]